30-Day Social Media Detox Challenge! – Day 1
Hey Guys and Gals! Last night, I spontaneously decided to do a 30-day social media detox challenge. Before I explain my reasons for doing this challenge, here are the rules that I created. I will follow these rules as closely as possible; however, I will continue the challenge even if I fail on some days. Of course, I will try my best, but the goal is to track my progress over the 30 days. I also encourage you to join me in this challenge at any time!
Rules for the 30-Day Social Media Detox Challenge
1. No Social Media for Entertainment:
You can’t use social media for entertainment purposes. This includes:
- TikTok
- X (Twitter)
- YouTube
- And any other social media platforms
2. Allowed Uses:
You can use social media for these specific purposes:
- Create content and check analytics once a day
- Watch tutorials or video courses for learning
- Listen to music or audiobook
3. Optional Activity
Journal your daily thoughts and experiences to track your progress and reflect on the challenge
Why Am I Doing This 30-Day Social Media Detox Challenge?
Now that I’ve laid out the rules, why am I doing this? The main reasons are to improve focus, boost productivity, and reduce unnecessary distractions. I realized I’ve been spending way too much time scrolling through reels, watching YouTube videos, and browsing Reddit. These are wasted hours that I could be spending on productive activities like working on a project, learning new skills, or building a business. I want to shift my mindset from being a constant consumer to being a creator and producer.
My goal is that at the end of this challenge, I will be able to compare my productivity from before and after and see if anything has changed. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I don’t know what to expect. I just have a feeling it will produce a positive change.
For this 30-day social media detox challenge, I will be journaling daily on this blog to track my progress and share my thoughts and experiences.
Day 1 Journal – 30-Day Social Media Detox Challenge
Although today is day 1 of this 30-day social media detox challenge, I actually started it last night. For the first time in many months, I fell asleep without watching or listening to some sort of video or audio. In fact, I fell asleep within 30 minutes of closing my eyes when I normally spend 1 or 2 hours watching YouTube videos and then attempt to fall asleep for the next hour. I got a good 8 hours of sleep, woke up at around 8:30 in the morning, and felt more refreshed than usual.
After waking up, I got ready to go to the gym for a morning workout. Today, I did abs, squats, and some plyometric exercises. I spent about an hour and and half at the gym and felt pretty good afterward. Then I returned home and made myself a post-workout protein smoothie. As I write this journal, I can already feel that my productivity has increased. Usually, I would spend my time between activities using social media which creates a lot of distractions and kills time. As I write this, it is 1:30 pm. I plan on creating content and working on my projects for the rest of the day. If anything noteworthy happens, I will update this journal.
Today is only day 1 of this challenge, but I feel good and excited about what’s to come. My main concern is that I will give up and not follow through with this 30-day challenge. Hopefully, that won’t be the case. I will try to keep myself accountable by writing a daily journal. If you are joining me in this challenge, maybe we can keep each other accountable!
Let me know in the comments if you are doing this challenge. I’d be interested to know. Let’s reclaim our time and focus!